今しがた治療・ヒーリングで体験したこと。 What I just experienced in healing.



















































I would like to share with you an interesting experience I just had during my last healing this morning.


A client I treated three days ago (remotely by phone) for a severe throat and deep nasal mucosal inflammation (which has recently become endemic in the world) that had rendered him almost unable to speak.


The cause and remedy were clear, so naturally the client's symptoms improved.

He wanted to get well as soon as possible, so we decided to give him at least three days of treatment.


In the middle of the treatment, we began the central nervous system healing that I wrote about yesterday.

The fertilized egg was re-fertilized in a glowing state by healing the sperm and egg separately.

The fertilized egg itself begins to glow with a silvery white light.

At the same time, I began to feel a strong orange-red hot energy connection from the egg side, the maternal ancestral side, as if it were sunlight itself.

I began to trace the lineage with my consciousness to see if there was still a problem with the ancestor, but I could not find the part of the ancestor in question.

But the more I traced the line, the more intense the energy line became, like the sun.

Finally I came to the root.

All of the energy was emanating from what could only be described as a gigantic star-like sun, with a blazing orange glow and a complex intertwining of bright and slightly tinted surfaces.

The energy was so intense that I, the healer, was almost overwhelmed by it, but at the same time it was so hot that it was not uncomfortable at all, but rather it kept filling me up like life energy itself. It was not uncomfortable at all.

Now an intense heat-like energy is entering me from above and filling me up! The client told us.

That is exactly what I was experiencing in my perception.

My intuition clearly conveyed that the regeneration and renewal of the central nervous system should take place now, while maintaining the supply of energy from the primordial being.

Accordingly, the fertilized egg was processed from cell division, embryo bud formation, brain formation, fetus, and birth to the present time line, while maintaining that supply.

The skull and dura mater are expanded to accommodate the newly regenerated central nervous system, and the musculoskeletal system is readjusted to accommodate them.

I began to expand the 7th chakra, as I had a hunch that it would be better to increase the energy supply to the client from above as in the seated position in the chair.

Clearly, the energy supply to the client began to increase, and every corner of the peripheral nervous system, from the central nervous system to the fingertips to all organs began to be filled with a bright orange-white glow, like sunlight.

The client tells us, "I have this amazing energy that is zinging all over my body, right down to my fingertips! The client tells us.

We continued the process for a while until we felt we had gone far enough.

After that, it was the same process of completion as in my previous post, the only difference being that no shielding with energy from the 7th or higher levels was necessary.


I had a clear realization from the treatment.

I had a clear realization during the treatment that the energy root sun-like being that I was experiencing was the very source of our life.

It was clear that the source of the energy of my treatment and healing, especially the shielding energy in the final stages of treatment, came from the very same source.


This may be what some call the "spiritual sun" or "central sun.

But for me, the name is not important.

I do not want to give it a name because I feel that the name given to it by human beings is only a limitation that other people can add their own meanings to the existence of it.


Rather, I clearly understood that the purpose of my treatment and healing at this point is this process after all.


To help each person regain a clear connection with the source from which life originates.


To support and assist in this process by offering and teaching therapy, healing, and reading sessions using EAP (Extended Apperception) (Extrasensory Perception), which is also the name of this blog.


Of course, it is important to heal and alleviate or eliminate the client's main complaints.

The disappearance of symptoms is a clear indicator of the accuracy of the healing process and the diagnosis made by extrasensory perception.


If a client's symptoms do not clearly change with treatment/healing, then the healer who cannot heal is not actually using healing or extrasensory perception, but rather is merely imitating, i.e., he is not actually working, or is only at a very rudimentary level of functioning, although it appears so. In other words, it is highly likely that the healer is merely an imitator, i.e., it looks like it, but does not actually work, or has only reached a very rudimentary stage.


Unfortunately, in Japan's "so-called healing industry," it seems that most of these methods are no more than a mere relaxation effect, or, if I may venture to say so, an extension of the esthetic treatment level.


As I always say, "It is much more effective to stay at home, listen to your favorite music, burn your favorite aroma, sleep, meditate, and eat delicious food than to pay a lot of money for something that may or may not work.