Dr.フリッツとの出会い Meet Dr. Fritz















私は半信半疑で聞いていた。 本当にそんなことがこんな短時間で起こるのだろうか?と。






















「患者を治せない時がある。 それがとても辛い。」











あそこの先生は一回で治してくれる。 いつしか近隣でそのように噂されるようになり極端なまでに患者数は膨れ上がっていった。






そしてその治療効果ゆえに患者さんは普通の世界とは別の霊的な世界があるということを実感し目が開かれていく。 私がクライアントに一番望んでいるプロセスでもある。




がそれでもどうしても結果を出せないことがあった。 その時のあの胸を搔きむしるような苦しみ、己の全智全能を傾けてもどうしても変化しない症例が存在した。















そして「お前のその苦しみはよく分かる。 なぜなら私もお前と全く同じ苦しみを持っているからだ。」とゆっくりと告げた。
































というか意識? 天との繋がり? みたいなものの制限が全くなくなっていた!






「Good luck!」彼の言葉に大きく何度も頷きながら会場を後にした。



「なんでこんなに面白いんだろうかね? 笑いが止まらへんわ!」母が言った。






In September 2001, I met Dr. Fritz in Osaka.


My mother and I were in a large room to receive his healing.


Many patients were lined up in front of me waiting for their turn.

His healing was performed in public, where everyone could see and hear, and a large number of doctors and medical students in white coats surrounded us, cameras, videos, and notes in their hands, recording the healing scene with great enthusiasm.

The doctor explained that in Japan, due to the Medical Practitioners Act, he would never use a scalpel to make incisions.

He reminded us repeatedly never to give him knives, pens, or other sharp objects.

So I had a clear sense that he was performing incisions in a private setting.


The woman immediately before me had been suffering from severe fibroids and had been infertile for many years.

When he finished the energy healing, which took a reasonable amount of time, he told her clearly.

He told her clearly, "You won't see any more fibroids on your x-rays. And you will be pregnant in the near future."

Everyone applauded and was happy.

I listened with skepticism. Could such a thing really happen in such a short time? I wondered.


But the other day, I found a woman's account of her experience with Dr. Fritz on a social networking service.

It was clearly the same woman who had the myoma at that time.

According to the article, a week after her healing, she went to her doctor's office for her usual x-rays, and both she and her doctor were surprised to see that her myoma had completely disappeared.

In addition, she became pregnant right away and was able to deliver the baby.

So Dr. Fritz's ability was real after all.


Finally, it was my turn.

I stood in front of him with great anticipation.

He glanced at me for a moment, and then, to my surprise, he skipped over me and started to heal the next patient.


I hurriedly pleaded with him, "No, it's my turn.

There is nothing wrong with you."

He answered simply.

But I had no intention of letting this be the end of my encounter with Dr. Fritz, whom I had admired for many years.

I have a problem I'm struggling with, and I need your advice.

I told him immediately.

What kind of problem? Dr. Fritz said.


I immediately said something that surprised even me.


Sometimes I can't cure a patient. That's what bothers me so much.


I had never even thought about it ... but I immediately understood that what I said was very important to me.

As soon as I said that, the pain began to boil strongly from deep within my heart and body, and I couldn't stop crying.

Oh, I realized how hard this really was for me.


I should have really felt it, but maybe I was unconsciously trying not to be aware of it.


For some reason, I had taken it for granted since the beginning of my career as a healer that I could lead any patient to a cure in a single treatment.

Perhaps it was my experience of treatment that led me to become a healer in the past.


The doctor there cures you in one session. The number of patients swelled to an extreme level as word spread around the neighborhood.

The highest number of patients treated in a day was 89, and the average number of patients treated was about 60 every day.

The total number of patients was about 150,000, and no matter how small the estimate, it was never less than 120,000.

For some reason, the last patient each day is almost always a spiritual or psychological treatment involving a deep unconscious layer, such as a vivid re-experience of a trauma from a past life or contact with a spirit guide.

The clinic was a "bone clinic" and did not have any pamphlets or any other explanatory materials about the treatment, nor did it advertise its services, so the patients who came to the clinic were ordinary "ordinary" people.

It is my personal theory that a spiritual treatment is "real" only when it is effective for ordinary people who have no spiritual knowledge or interest.

The effectiveness of the treatment opens the patient's eyes to the realization that there is a spiritual world other than the ordinary world. This is the process I want most for my clients.

Sometimes patients laugh and joke, "Your office is not what it says it is, in the best sense of the word. I sometimes hear patients laughing and joking, "Your place is not what it seems.


I had many patients who came to my clinic from other prefectures, as well as celebrities from various fields and professional sports stars who were often seen on TV.

But even so, there were times when I just couldn't get results. There were some cases that could not be changed even though I tried everything in my power.

It is a matter of course, and I understand that there are cases in which the patient's deep wisdom does not wish to be physically cured at that particular time.


However, even if I could understand this in my head, I could not emotionally accept it.

Even if hundreds of patients were cured on the spot, the one patient who did not change as I had hoped would continue to torment me forever.

I thought this was because I was inexperienced, so I continued to study every possible treatment method, healing technique, and psychotherapy.

Especially until about the 15th year of my practice, I was rarely at home on Sundays.

I rode the bullet train every week, sometimes even traveling abroad, and when I heard of a good treatment method, I immediately flew there to receive treatment and, if I thought it was good, I immediately enrolled in a course of study to learn it.


But back to my original story...


There are times when I can't heal ... and that is very painful."

Dr. Fritz listened to my words in silence.

The silence continued as he looked me straight in the eye.


Then he said, "I understand your pain. I know exactly what you are going through, because I am going through exactly the same thing. He said slowly.

He moved closer to me and looked into my eyes closely.

I felt that he was looking deep into my soul. I felt that way.

At the same time, I wanted him to see everything inside me.


After a while, he opened his mouth while looking deep into my eyes.

Now I can clearly see your pure heart and beautiful soul."


Then he went a short distance away from me and slowly said, looking up to the heavens as if in prayer

I am very proud that a healer like you exists on this planet."


His unexpected words made me go, "What? I was surprised.

He approached me again, grabbed me firmly by both shoulders, and looked directly into my eyes as if to say to me, "I am very proud that there is a healer like you on this planet.

I am very proud that a healer like you exists on this planet. He said.


I was speechless as tears welled up in my eyes and his face became blurry.

He continued.

Keep doing what you are doing. Keep healing!


He took my hand and led me to a corner of the room.

It was my mother in her wheelchair.

I thought he was going to show me his healing nearby, but he didn't. He had me spread my palms and placed them on the top of my mother's head, and then he laid his hands on top of them.


It was not a warm hand, it was burning hot.

That burning hot energy filled my entire body in an instant, and I apparently passed out in a standing position.


I did not know how much time had passed.

Eventually I regained consciousness, but something was different, radically different.

I suddenly realized that the top of my head had snapped open in a circular shape about 20 cm in diameter!


Physically, that shouldn't have happened, but the seventh chakra area was virtually all restrictions were removed, as if a skylight had been fully opened.


Or rather, consciousness? Connection to the heavens? The limitations of something like that were completely gone!

I felt that I could fly my consciousness anywhere and connect to a higher dimension if I wanted to.

In the midst of this realization and amazement, Dr. Fritz told me, "This is how you heal people.

This is how you heal people. And he did.


With a big smile and a deep hug, our meeting with Dr. Fritz was complete.

Good luck!" I left the venue nodding my head repeatedly at his words.


On the two-hour drive home on the highway, my parents and I were strangely laughing all the way.

Why is this so funny? I can't stop laughing!" My mother said.

All three of us agreed with her.


I still am and will continue to keep my promise to Dr. Fritz.