完璧な軌道、完璧なパーフォーマンス            Perfect trajectory, perfect performance















「私は実際には何もしていません。 彫刻の最終的な完成形はその石それ自体の中にもうすでにあるのです。 私はその余分な部分をそぎ落とすことをしているに過ぎないのです。」


75Kg級で前人未踏のベンチプレス300Kgの世界新記録を達成した孤高の世界王者、児島大紀選手も「バーベルを挙げる際にはその場その瞬間における完璧な軌道というものが存在する。 もしもそれから1mmでもずれてしまえば絶対に挙がらない。」という主旨の発言をされている。


マイケルジャクソンも映画 「This is it !」 の中で記者にダンスの最中に何を考えているのかと問われて「考えるだって!? 考えながらダンスできるわけないよ! 身体が勝手に踊るんだよ!」 と答えている。



















確かにその通りだろう。 同時にクライアントの自己成長の促進が目的であるということが肉体症状を改善できないことの言い訳にはならないと思う。









ペルソナのレベルで、つまり表面的な部分でいかにもスピリチュアルな雰囲気を装うことは演技が上手ければ簡単にできる。 いわゆる「外面が良い」というやつである。





その際、「家族にヒーリングをしてはいけない」というのは私に言わせれば単なる詭弁でしかない。 それは本来は高度な心理的セラピーを提供する場合の話であって実際に家族へのヒーリングの際にそこまで踏み込むことは普通考えられないからである。







I feel that there is such a thing as a perfect movement, a perfect trajectory, in healing.

I use the word "healing" in the everyday sense of the word, which includes  all other healing systems that I am aware of .



In general, I proceed with the treatment process in an "autopilot" mode, which means that I am aware of the initiatives that I am taking in my daily life.

This is not the "I" of the conscious mind that is usually aware of and takes the initiative in daily life, but the "I" that is located deeper than the unconscious mind and is in perfect alignment with the life rhythms of both the client and the healer, as described in a previous post. The "I" is the "superconsciousness," as Edgar Cayce called it, that takes the lead in the treatment process.



When the healing process begins, the "I" in the normal state of consciousness observes with great interest as the "I," which can be called the superconscious or Higher Self, proceeds with various movements and actions using my physical body and energy.

The greatest action I can take is to try not to interfere with the process as much as possible.

I try not to interfere with the process as much as possible, and I try to be in tune with the movement of the life force (life pulse), which I can clearly feel moment by moment.


This is not limited to therapy; top performers in any field of advanced performance have given similar explanations.


The great artist Michelangelo, when asked about the secret to creating his great sculptures, replied, "I don't really have anything to do with it.

Michelangelo, the great artist, when asked what he did to create his great sculptures, replied, "I don't really do anything. The final sculpture is already there in the stone itself. I'm just trying to cut away the excess.


The world's greatest bench press champion, Daiki Kojima, who set a new world record of 300 kg in the 75 kg weight class, also said, "When raising a barbell, there is a perfect trajectory at each moment. If you deviate from that trajectory even by 1mm, you will never be able to raise the barbell. Michael Jackson also made the same comment in his movie "This Is It.


Michael Jackson also made the same comment in his movie "This is it! in the movie "This is it ! You can't dance while thinking! My body dances on its own! He answered, "I can't dance while thinking!


I often hear people say things like, "Be confident" or "Be confident.

I sometimes feel uncomfortable with that.


Self-confidence and affirmation of oneself as a sense of self-affirmation are important and necessary.

However, I sometimes wonder if a lack of confidence in one's performance is, in a sense, an objective evaluation of what one is doing with an accurate sense of sensitivity.


In fact, it is the clients who should be most valued who are actually inconvenienced when they are provided with a low level of performance with confidence.


So how can one objectively know one's actual level of performance?


In healing, it is possible to objectively know the degree of actual improvement by the change in physical symptoms before and after the healing.

Even if we are working on the energy level fruits such as aura fields and chakras, if we are able to heal each aura level problem properly, the physical condition will surely be visibly and clearly improved.

The change in physical condition is used as an indicator, so to speak.

Healing does not fix the physical symptoms." I often hear this line from some healers.

I do not agree with this statement at all.

If you read the books of the Barbara Brennan's writings especially the first book, you will see that the entire book is filled with stories of experiences that (as a result) fix the physical symptoms.

I think he is trying to say that he does not fix the physical body, but supports the spiritual and personal growth of the person through working on the energy.

This is certainly true. At the same time, I don't think the fact that the purpose is to promote the client's personal growth is an excuse for not being able to improve the physical symptoms.

Since the physical ailments and symptoms are the result of an imbalance in the client's energy, the degree of improvement in the physical symptoms can be used as evidence that the energy level has been successfully balanced.

Otherwise, it is impossible to objectively distinguish whether a phenomenon such as energy balancing, chakra normalization, or aura field correction is really taking place, or whether it is merely an "idea" that a change has been made.


This is not only detrimental to the client, but also to the healer himself/herself, who cannot determine the accuracy of his/her own HSP diagnosis, or whether the healing actually caused the change, including the degree of its effect.

The danger is that this could result in a significant hindrance to the improvement of healing techniques and HSP accuracy.


There is another way to objectively determine one's level of healer and personal growth.

The true picture is revealed by how one's family and siblings who live with one's family members view one.

It is easy for a good actor to put on a spiritual air at the level of persona, i.e., on the surface. This is what is called "good on the outside.

On the other hand, the real part of a person's true feelings, the part that is not an act, is rarely seen in society, and it could be said that most people live their social lives by successfully camouflaging this part of themselves.

However, in the relationship with family members in the home, acting does not work at all, and I feel that almost all the inner aspects of a person are carefully observed.

Ask the family members who live with me what stage of spiritual development I am in and if they would like to receive my healing.

It may take courage, but I can assure you that they will give you an honest and quite accurate assessment.

In that case, "don't do healing on family members" is, in my opinion, mere sophistry. This is because I would not normally go that far in actually healing a family member.

Even if I don't actually do the healing, I can still ask the family if they would like to receive my healing.

I am sure I would get a very serious and objective answer at this point.

As I have said many times before, I believe that "I can do it" and "I think I can do it" are completely opposite things.