ブラジルの心霊手術(スピリチュアル・ヒーリング) Psychic Surgery (Spiritual Healing) in Brazil










ウィルヘルム・ライヒ | ブッククラブ回


(ちなみにライヒがこの二人の弟子に最初に課したレッスンは「医師免許の取得」だったといわれている。 基本的な医学知識の習得と今後の長期にわたるであろう研究、発展に必要なコミットメントを確認する目的があったであろうことは容易に推測できる。

当然、二人はこの最初のレッスンに合格している。 このことはなぜか日本で語られることはあまりないようだ。)






























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すると助手2名でクライアントの必要としているオーラフィールドにヒーリングエネルギーを注入する。 それは助手に完全に任されていた。

つまり私は治療家であることは誰にも言わなかったがスピリットにはお見通しだったということか。 ある意味、適材適所である。







More than ten years ago, an acquaintance of mine introduced me to a spiritual healing group led by a Brazilian living in Japan.


As I have posted before, I was interested in Dr. Fritz's and Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama's research on psychic surgery in the Philippines, so I often talked about it with a woman I knew well, and she introduced me to a friend of hers who had an idea about it.


She was also a Japanese-Brazilian who was enthusiastically working to spread Eva Pierakos' Pathwork in Japan, and I was also participating in a seminar she organized to invite overseas helpers to Japan, and helping her in some small way. (She later returned to Brazil and became a helper of Pathwork).

(She later returned to Brazil and became a helper of Pathwork.) For some reason, Pathwork was my boom period during this period, and in addition to her group, I held seminars for other helpers who lived overseas at a sanatorium, and I also helped a Japanese teacher at a famous healing school (a  talented person with super-sensory perception who helped me a lot and I am still grateful to her. She repeatedly and enthusiastically recommended that I should start holding and teaching seminars for spiritual self-growth.) It was also a busy time for me, as I participated in a close group on pathwork organized by


As some of you may know, Pathwork is often described in the same context as Core Energetics by John Pierakos.

The origins can be traced back to Wilhelm Reich (the following link explains it simply)

Wilhelm Reich | book club times

John was already a channeler, and through an encounter with Eva, he added his own extrasensory perception and further insights from Eva's channeled information to the bioenergetics that he had already developed with Lowen, and began to develop a more spiritual approach. (Incidentally, I believe that Reich was the one who developed Core Energetics independently from Lowen by adding his own extrasensory perception and further insights from Eva's channeled information to Bioenergetics, which had already been developed with Lowen.

(Incidentally, it is said that the first lesson Reich gave to his two students was to "obtain a medical license. ) It is easy to assume that the purpose was to acquire basic medical knowledge and to confirm the commitment necessary for what would be a long period of research and development.

Naturally, they both passed this first lesson. (For some reason, this is not often mentioned in Japan.)


This is a major digression from the main topic, but there is a personal sequence of events that I would like to go through...

Since the beginning of my business 30 years ago, I have been indebted for many years to Dr. Okano (deceased) of the Institute of Social and Industrial Education, who was a pioneer in corporate training in Japan, especially in TA (interaction analysis).

He came to the U.S. as a young man to become a corporate training specialist and stayed at the home of the then vice president of Lockheed Corporation, where he learned Rolfing from Ida Rolf, the founder of Rolfing (actually, Rolf used tools, he said, showing me a small wooden instrument that fit in the palm of his hand that she gave him), He had studied redecision therapy, which integrates TA and Gestalt therapy, with Mr. and Mrs. Goulding, and bioenergetics with Alexander Lowen.

He is said to be a pioneer in the field of TA, especially as he was the first to introduce the catholicity school to Japan.

If we trace the origin of TA education in Japanese companies today, we can probably trace it back to Dr. Okano.

He is a yoga teacher, and is famous for his research on yoga. I have fond memories of inviting Dr. Anthony Key from the Toronto Gestalt Center in Canada every year and having him thoroughly (laugh) train us in the hard Gestalt therapy he had learned in his home country until we could remember it in our bodies (laugh).

He emphasized the importance of learning the basics of any therapy directly from a first-rate instructor in the purest form possible.

I was repeatedly advised to learn the basics of Milton Erickson's hypnotherapy from the ground up.


Back to the story...

I took the Shinkansen to Nagoya, changed to a local train, and arrived at the nearest station where I was met by a Japanese-Brazilian woman who was the facilitator of the group.

The woman, who spoke fluent Japanese, took me to an apartment.

About 30 people were gathered in a hall on the first floor, which looked like a meeting place, and all the residents were Brazilian. All of them spoke Portuguese except me. 

I could not understand them at all, so I stayed close to the woman who was taking care of them and asked her to translate for me while I followed what was happening.

A Brazilian medium was going to channel spirits from the spirit world, perform psychic surgery and energy healing on those who wanted it, give advice, and prescribe medicinal herbs.

Healings are performed in a special, darkened room where no one is allowed to enter except the medium, her two energetic assistants, and the client.


First, all the participants formed a circle around the medium, who looked intelligent and wore glasses (at first he had not yet channeled the Spirit), and began reading from Alan Kardec's book and praying.

Soon after, the medium began to feel dizzy, and the people around him supported him as they sat him down in a chair.

He nodded off, and after a while, there was a man who clearly had a different atmosphere.

The atmosphere had changed so much that I thought he was a different person.

The spirit seemed to have taken off his glasses, as if he did not need them.

The man who had just been a medium seemed quite tall, but when I channeled the spirit, I got the impression that he was a little shorter, perhaps due to a change in his posture.

However, his atmosphere, presence, and aura field shone overwhelmingly.


As the healing session was about to begin, Spirit, as an assistant, or as the person in charge of the day, stood and cleansed each person with an aromatic spray of medicinal herbs while saying a few words to them one by one.

There were already about 20 people waiting for their turn to be healed, and the number kept increasing.

I stood in the middle of the line and waited for my turn.

I told them I wanted to make a donation, but they said that was not necessary. The attendant pointed to a small, unassuming paper box at a completely inconspicuous location at the end of the room, and said that if I really wanted to donate, I should put it in that box. It seemed that he had no intention to ask us to make a donation.

After I finished purifying myself, the medium suddenly came in front of me and began to purify me.

Then she was talking to the woman in charge of interpretation.

She was listening with a surprised expression on her face and translated it to me.

The spirit wants you to be his healing assistant.

I was surprised, but at the same time I felt a strange sense of synchronicity, as if some part of my consciousness had known this was going to happen.

I know this is my first time here and I don't understand anything, but I'm willing to help you if you'd like." The words were out of his mouth.

He smiled and gave me a big hug.

I will do everything in my power to help this spirit. I was filled with tears as I felt a passionate feeling that I did not understand.

I immediately entered the healing room.

The husband of the couple who had been working as a healing assistant switched places with me.

Spirit instructed me to do as the assistant, a beautiful Spanish-Brazilian woman, did.

The first client entered the room.

Spirit first diagnoses them energetically.

Most of them are instructed to "energy fill".

Then two assistants would inject healing energy into the client's needed aura field. It was left completely up to the assistants.

So I didn't tell anyone that I was a healer, but Spirit knew what I was doing. In a sense, I was in the right place at the right time.

Once that was done, Spirit would then use surgical instruments, usually real surgical instruments, to perform surgeries, excisions, and stitches in the energy field about 5 to 20 centimeters above the body surface with great delicacy and precision.

For some people, he also performed osteopathic techniques and gave some advice.

After these procedures, he would prescribe the necessary Brazilian herbs and finish with a 1.8-liter bottle of water that had been "magnetized" with high-dimensional energy.


This is a long story and I will post a sequel soon.