










クライアントに伝えると私が言うまでもなくそれが本人の真横やや上方の右側から強烈に照らされていてまぶしく感じるとのこと。 全く同じ体験を今まさに共有していた。


私はとっさに本来ならもう少し上方からくるのではないのかと頭では考えたが依然その光源は真横わずかに上方からのものだった。 同時にそれは強烈な光で物理的な圧力を感じるほど近くに感じるにもかかわらず明らかにはるか遠方からとも感じられるものだった。

それが何であったのかは感覚では理解しているが言葉で安っぽく表現したくはない。 ただその名前や名称などどうでもよいように感じた。


涙が流れ続けた。 その強烈な光源、熱源は我々二人の心身を深く貫き続け深いレベルで癒し続けてくれていた。



我々は常にこの光に照らされて生きているのだろう。 照らされているからこそ生きているともいえるのかもしれない。

日々のことに追われそのことを意識することさえほとんど忘れてしまって気づかない状態で生きているのが実情なのかもしれない。 だからこそ疲れ、悩み、孤独に苦しむのかもしれない。









I just finished my last (if I don't get a phone call) treatment today.


I really want to write something down now.


I only want to describe what I personally experienced.


In the final stages of almost completing this client's treatment by phone, I suddenly noticed that both my client and I were illuminated (from slightly above to my left) by an intense silvery white light coming from slightly above to the client's right.


It was a very intense light, not just a glare, but a physical push, as if a heat source many times the size of the sun were nearby, and not just an image, but a real and physical one.


I told the client that, needless to say, he felt a glare from the right side of the room, which was shining intensely from right beside and slightly above him. We were sharing the exact same experience right now.


My mind immediately wondered if the light should have come from a little higher up, but it was still coming from slightly higher up, right beside him. At the same time, the light was so intense and so close that I could feel the physical pressure, yet it was clearly from far away.

I know what it was, but I don't want to cheapen it with words. I don't want to cheapen it with words, but it didn't seem to matter what it was called or what it was called.

I was just grateful.

Tears kept flowing. The intense light source, the heat source, continued to penetrate us both deeply and heal us on a profound level.

After a while, I managed to get a few words out, and I shared my experience with my client, and we both confirmed in our shaking tearful voices that we had shared the exact same experience, the exact same feeling, and we both gave thanks.


We are always illuminated by this light, aren't we? Perhaps it could be said that we are alive because we are illuminated.

The reality is that we are so caught up in the daily grind that we forget to be aware of this fact and live without even noticing it. That may be why we suffer from fatigue, worry, and loneliness.

Perhaps we should be thankful for this light.


I am deeply grateful to be a healer and to have shared this experience with you.


Thank you.


I am very happy to be a healer.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)