今日の治療で体験したこと。     What I experienced in today's healing.











両鼻腔の深部より眉間、大脳両半球を隔てている大脳鎌、視床、海馬にという頭部中央付近の深部縦方向にかけての頭蓋仙骨リズムの「重さ」というか脳脊髄液の「うっ滞感」が強く感じられ、さらにその部分には肉体レベルを超えたエネルギー的な何か「大物」の存在を感じる。 これは治療をしていく過程で明らかになってくるだろうという明確な感覚。
















































私はとっさに答えていた。 考える間もなく。





We just finished today's treatment.

There was an interesting case of treatment, which I would like to describe here with the client's approval.


Remote treatment by telephone (client is at home).

The main complaints were cold hands and feet, headache, and body sluggishness.

This woman complained that her complaints were probably caused by working in a standing position for a long time.


Diagnosis by Extended Perception (EP, a term I coined), which combines visual and tactile extrasensory perception and astral projection, revealed blood flow disturbance (microthrombi at the capillary level) in the entire left lower extremity, from the lower third of the right lower leg to the tip, and mild inflammation of the posterior uterine wall and right lateral surface to the right ovary. Mild inflammation of the posterior wall of the uterus and from the right side to the right ovary.


In addition, blood flow disturbance from the posterior aspect of the cardiac pericardium to the left common carotid artery, as in the lower extremities,

A strong feeling of craniosacral rhythm "heaviness" or cerebrospinal fluid "congestion" was felt in the deep longitudinal area near the center of the head, from the depths of both nasal cavities to the eyebrows, the cerebral sickle separating the two hemispheres, the thalamus, and the hippocampus, and the presence of something "big" in that area, energetically beyond the physical level. This is a clear sensation that will become apparent during the course of treatment.

There is a slight tightness and limited range of motion in almost all metatarsal bones from both metatarsophalangeal joints, and a sense of restriction in the left hip joint as well.

Displacement of the sacroiliac joint in the direction of pulling of the left ilium toward the left humerus broadus attachment and the right ilium toward the right external ankle, respectively.

Loss of natural curve with pressure on the intervertebral discs due to limited range of motion in compression from the second lumbar vertebra to the sacrum.

Tendency for thickening of the diaphragm near the center of the diaphragm, possibly due to impaired blood flow.

Displacement of the fourth thoracic vertebra due to leftward traction.

Mild deep blood flow disturbance from the thumb to the axilla in both upper limbs.

The cranial area was as described in the previous section.


I asked the patient to confirm the pain and the range of motion of the main complaint area by actually moving his body over the phone for comparison with those after the treatment.


After 5 to 10 minutes of treatment of the blood flow disturbance, the subjective symptom of coldness in the affected area almost disappeared.

At this stage, the patient's physical sluggishness also disappeared.

However, the headache became stronger than before and the pain felt as if it was pulsating.

We explained that this was due to the fact that the perception of pain, which had been masked earlier, became more apparent as a result of the normalization of perception due to the restoration of blood flow in the body.

We then remotely performed musculoskeletal treatment in the standing, supine, and prone positions from the lower limbs to the upper limbs, as we felt that the headache would disappear with musculoskeletal treatment of the above condition in the neck and below, even without cranial correction.

At this point, the headache almost disappeared.

The client was happy that her subjective symptoms had eased, but I told her that I still felt some discomfort in the deep cranial region, and continued the treatment.

I approached the client from the back of the head, but instead of releasing the cranium, the discomfort in the deep cranial area began to spread to the entire cranium and even the entire body at once.

What I perceived visually was a chrysalis hatching, and a tear spread vertically across the center of the body from the area of discomfort that was deep in the center of the craniofacial region, revealing the client's own "content," which was completely black and shiny from within.


I held the "contents" that had just broken through the old skin vertically from the top of the client's head in a supine position as they rose to the surface about one meter above the body.

I supported the back of the client's head with my hands and felt the craniosacral rhythm and transmitted it to the client's entire body in exaggerated waves.

After about a minute of this process, I suddenly noticed three men standing on each side of the client.

They looked like healers and shamans of the spirit world or higher realms, wearing what appeared to be a combination of Native American shaman and ancient Aztec priest costumes, with gaudy feather decorations and shining white and silver jewelry.

Each of them had a stern atmosphere and face with a slightly brownish skin tone, and one by one, a small "being" less than one meter tall stood beside them, holding up some kind of feather decoration that seemed to reach the height of the priests.

They seemed to be assisting the energy of the priests.


Without a glance in my direction, they suddenly all began to do healing-like activities at the same time.

They were performing a kind of psychic surgery on the client's "content," a floating black body, using both hands.

Meanwhile, I continued to exaggerate the craniosacral rhythm while holding the back of his head.

The client's pitch-black body began to fade away and eventually transformed before my eyes into a beautiful shimmering mixture of white and gold.

It must have lasted about five minutes.

Eventually, the movement of their hands began to settle down and they all stopped moving almost simultaneously and returned their hands to their original positions on their bodies.

I sensed that they had completed the process.

They did not change their facial expressions much as they had done when they started, and they quietly returned to the direction away from me with their supporters without breaking their formation in two lines without a single glance at me.

I could see some kind of haze or cloud at the end of that direction. Ahead of me in that direction was some kind of haze or cloud. I felt gratitude in my heart as I thanked them in my hand.

I felt gratitude in my heart as I clasped my hands together and unconsciously, as if it were natural to do so, returned the now platinum-colored "contents" to the client's original position, closed the skin again, and stabilized it for a certain period of time before finishing the treatment.

Throughout the process, I kept verbally telling the client what I was seeing, what I was feeling, and what they were doing.

The client could feel it all in his physical and energetic body.


After the treatment, I asked the client to actually move his/her body to see how his/her symptoms before the treatment had changed.

The client's main complaints had almost completely disappeared by this stage, and she felt even more exhilarated and, in her own words, "as if I had been reborn.

What was that black self?"

He told us that for some time now, he had been annoyed by the "black part of himself," literally the part of himself that dragged down his every action and positive mood in his daily life.


It must have been a part of you that was no longer needed.

I had answered quickly. Without pausing to think.

I told him that I thought the presence of these priests had given you the advanced treatment in the spiritual realm that you needed to help you grow and transform into the next stage of your own life.

The client was very pleased and at the same time felt a deep sense of understanding and mutual gratitude for the opportunity and for the beings who had helped them.

All the while, I continued to feel a deep sense of peace and the warmth and love of my heart chakra, which remained gently open, as well as a deep sense of joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment at having been given the opportunity to treat them.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)