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初回に処方してもらった何種類かのブラジル産であろう樹皮と根を乾燥させた物らしき薬草はお茶にして寝る前にいただいた。 悪くない味である。



驚いて翌日もう一度、確認してみるが日中も含めてやはり以降、全く気にならなくなっていた。 体質が変化したのだろうか。





何となく眺めていた時に「自分だったらもう少しクライアントに自分の腰を接近させてセッティングするのにな。 あまり上手ではないな。」と考えていた。


「うわっ! バレてる!」




またある時にスピリットに「どうしてベテランの助手を初参加の日本人と入れ替えたのか?」と質門した古参らしき人がいた。 おそらくそれはその場に参加している誰もが疑問に感じていたことだと思うし事実、何名かのスタッフは私に何かよそよそしい態度をとって警戒されているように感じていた。

「彼のオーラはとても美しい。」それがスピリットの答えだった。 以降よそよそしい雰囲気を感じることはなくなった。















ある時、寝坊してしまい1時間ほど遅れて参加する事態になった。 すぐに電話を入れて1時間遅れて参加するので先に始めておいて下さいと伝えた。







This is a continuation of the previous session.


We started in the early afternoon and the last client finished around 6:00 pm.

The number of people is about 30.

After the end of the session, the staff starts healing.

I thought they would do it for me too, but... they said you don't need healing.

I had heard this line somewhere before....

However, they gave me a prescription of medicinal herbs and water.


I was quite tired and wanted to leave as soon as possible because I had time to catch the bullet train, but they would not let me leave.

A party started with drinking and singing (no alcohol or cigarettes) with the staff and everyone who wanted to join in, and a whirlwind of laughter started with homemade Brazilian food, snacks, and juice.

I was told to join the party until the very last minute because they would take me to the station, so I had to join the party with them.


The next meeting will be in a month, so we were told to make sure to come.

It was a lot of fun, but I was still tired when I thought about the work I would have to do tomorrow.


I ended up going to the office for about a year, assisting him once a month.

The first time I went to the clinic, I was prescribed some herbs, which seemed to be dried bark and roots of some Brazilian trees, which I made into a tea and had before going to bed. It tasted not bad.


The next morning, I was concerned about my body odor when I got up in the morning due to the hot weather, but I could not smell it at all.

I was so surprised that I checked again the next day and found that it had not bothered me at all since then, including during the daytime. Had my constitution changed?

I was surprised at the effectiveness of this prescription.


I also had several interesting experiences.

One time, during one of his healings, I saw him correcting a client's lower back in an orthopedic position while he was lying on his side.

As I watched, I thought to myself, "If it were me, I would set my hips a little closer to the client. Not so good." I thought to myself.

At that moment, he stopped moving and turned around to face me, suddenly staring at me with a reproachful gaze.

He stared at me with a reproachful gaze! He knows!

I quickly apologized in my mind and bowed my head to him.

Then, as if relieved, he returned to his original smile and went back to his corrective actions.


Another time, Spirit asked me, "Why did you replace a veteran assistant with a first-time Japanese participant?" One time, someone who seemed to be an old-timer asked Spirit, "Why did you replace a veteran assistant with a first-time Japanese participant? I think that was probably a question on everyone's mind, and in fact, some of the staff members felt that I was acting distant and guarded.

His aura is so beautiful." That was Spirit's answer. After that, I no longer felt distant.


One day, when we were being picked up from the station by car, the interpreter stopped in front of a small field and explained to us, "This field is donated by us.

She explained, "This is a field that we bought with donations to grow pesticide-free vegetables."

She told us that once a month, the group holds a soup kitchen for homeless people in a nearby large square in front of the station. They all bought this field together because they wanted to use pesticide-free vegetables for that occasion.

To be honest, I have never felt more ashamed of myself than I did at that moment.

Most of the Brazilians who attended the meeting were not well-off financially, but seemed to have come to Japan to earn a modest living by sending money back home.

I was impressed by the fact that they were volunteering for healing activities, but I also saw the reality that they were enthusiastically developing activities that went beyond that.

They were not just talking about love, kindness, service, self-growth, or spiritual growth, but practicing them.


Sometime people may talk about spiritual growth and healing, but in reality they are only a pretty face, and in the end they are just a means to make money as a business,

Or, they are just using them as a means to make money as a business, when in reality they are just a pretty face, or they are just trying to make money.

I imagine that for these people, there is something that tickles them, and that there should never be a higher level of teaching than the one they are involved in.

In a world where such things are rampant, I was simply bowled over.


One time, I overslept and was an hour late. I immediately called him and told him that I would be an hour late and that he should go ahead and start.

When I arrived, however, I found that the room was overflowing with clients waiting for their turn.

I told Spirit about the situation, but he wouldn't start until Koichi arrived. The woman who was in charge of the program told me with a wry smile, "I told Spirit about the situation, but he wouldn't start until Koichi arrived.



The rest of this article will follow in the near future.