体外離脱から自己探求の旅へ From Out-of-Body to Journey of Self-Inquiry










曰く「それは身体から抜けてるんや。 そんなん普通のことやで。 お父さんも最近はあまりないけど若いころは結構、頻繁になってたで。」

「夜中まで仕事がかかった時(父は女性の洋服のデザイナーとして絵を自宅のアトリエでお弟子さんと一緒に描くのが仕事で締め切りの関係で夜中2時3時まで仕事をしていることが頻繁にあった。)とか疲れて寝た時は身体から中身が抜けて近所の電柱の上とか屋根の上あたりをフワフワ浮かんで勝手に動いていたで。 あれは疲れてる時に起こる現象や。」



















































In a previous post, I wrote about the beginnings of out-of-body experiences.

In a way, the following is a continuation of that story.


After graduating from sleep paralysis and moving out of the body, I still could not control it at first.

At first I was floating 40 cm above my body, but soon I was drifting 1 to 2 meters above it.

The posture of the body was different from time to time, drifting in the same way as the body, either on its back or suddenly beginning to rotate around the belly button.


One day, I told my father about this phenomenon.

I remember that when I explained to him that it was possible for me to be pulled out of my body, he responded with a surprising answer.

He said, "That's because it's coming out of your body. That's normal. It doesn't happen to my father much these days, but when he was younger, it happened quite often.

When he had to work until midnight (my father was a designer of women's clothing whose job was to paint pictures in his studio with his apprentices, and he often had to work until 2 or 3 am to meet deadlines), or when he was tired and went to bed, he would go back to sleep. When I was tired and went to bed, I would float around on top of telephone poles and rooftops in the neighborhood and move around on my own. It's a phenomenon that happens when you're tired."

Is it inherited?

I wondered if it was possible to move outside of the house, even to such a high place, and when the out-of-body movement began, it did indeed go through the ceiling of the house and through the roof (there is a unique and realistic physical feeling when passing through physical structures such as ceilings and roofs), and it easily began to extend outdoors.

But I still had little control over it, and although I could remember the beginning of the process, I lacked the memory of the middle of the process, and after returning to my body, I would feel as if I had just woken up from sleep.


The turning point came when I was a freshman in high school.

At the time, Gakken had a spiritual magazine called "Mu" in the bookstore.

I never bought it, but I often browsed through the articles and photos that looked suspiciously like something out of the ordinary.

One day, I found a pamphlet in the saddle-bound supplement of "Mu" with the contents of "Introduction to Astral Projection.

I looked through it to see what it was about, and to my surprise, it contained a complete description of a mysterious phenomenon that I had been experiencing since the fourth grade of elementary school!

I immediately bought the book and read it in detail at home.


I was surprised to learn that this mysterious phenomenon had been experienced by many people around the world and documented in various literature since ancient times, and that there were even established techniques for studying and developing this phenomenon as a matter of course in mystical teachings from all ages and cultures.


I liked the name "astral projection.

The sequence of processes involved in the phenomenon described there corresponded almost perfectly to what I was experiencing.

At the same time, it detailed the knowledge I most wanted to know, the techniques and training methods to control the phenomena.


From that day on, I immediately set about putting it into practice.

The first thing I did was to stand the second body vertically after detachment.

When I actually tried it, I was able to move into the vertical posture surprisingly easily, although it was somewhat unstable.

The next step was to be aware of the direction in which I wanted to move with my thoughts.

When I thought about the direction I wanted to move in, I was sure that I would move in that direction.

It was quite fast!

This new breakthrough was to stand the body vertically.

In other words, it became possible for me to control my out-of-body movements by my own thoughts.


From this point on, I was hooked and tried all the methods described in the book.

Some of the techniques worked, and some did not produce the results described in the book.

One technique that worked well was to pick a target and move to it.

I chose the back side of the moon as my target and focused on moving there.

For a moment I had the sensation of moving at high speed, and the next moment I found myself in a place that looked like a sandy plain as far as the eye could see, in a desolate, jet-black darkness that felt somehow forlorn.

Or I could try to become aware of someone I knew and visit that person.

Sure enough, I moved to a place that looked like the place I knew where the person I knew was, but... something was different.


It was similar, but something was a little different.

This was always the case, I would go to a target that I knew, but the place or person was different from the target that I knew.


Sometimes I would also experience something frightening and unpleasant.

Evidently, there were animal-like, insect-like, and sometimes human-like entities in the "world" that would sometimes follow me or approach me to suck my energy.


Eventually, this phenomenon continued every two or three days until I experienced the event I described in my previous post, "The Supreme Experience.


Since then, I have always bought a copy of "Mu" every month.

Through it, I learned about Robert Monroe, the leading authority on out-of-body experiences, and the existence of the Monroe Institute.

Since there was no Internet at that time, I actually wrote to the address given in the magazine by AirMail, paid by international money order, and ordered a Hemithink home study set on cassette tape (CDs had not yet been invented or spread at that time, so the cassette tape version was the only one available) from the U.S.A. to listen to. I also ordered a Hemisync home study set from the U.S. and listened to it.

For some reason, I have never experienced an out-of-body experience with Hemisync.


It was also through this "mu" that I learned about the existence and work of Edgar Cayce.

From here began the process of self-exploration and self-purification that has continued to this day.