ケイシーリーディングとLGBT  Cayce Reading and LGBT






この人の障害を分析するにあたり、ここには病理学的な状態も検討されるべきであるが、心理的な状態も検討されるべきであることが分かる。 なぜなら、これらはカルマの影響による状態であり、そのため、今の人生において、自己の内において、あることに直面していることに関係するからである。
さて、ある実体の本質を完全に分析するならば、それこそが、生命とは連続する経験であるという信念を(そのような事柄を研究する人々にとって)証明するものとなるかも知れない。 そして、この人においてそうであるように、心理的な事柄(つまり、魂の自己)および生理学的な事柄に関係する活動において、人が自己に出会う状況で――つまり、ここでの状態に見られるように、肉体と、肉体と霊体あるいは心霊体との関係において自己に出会う状況において、この人には、精神的および肉体的状態として対峙すべき同性愛の障害がもたらされている。
なぜなら、そのような関係を精神的に、肉体的に有すると、ライデン腺の細胞を開くことになり、体内に、また体を通してクンダリーニが流れ、それが感覚系の諸器官に影響するからである。それは単に自分自身を嫌悪したり恥じるだけでなく――これらが自分の肉体と精神と存在のすべての一部になる。 それ故、単に肉体的あるいは病理学的な状態をもたらすだけでなく、この人にとって、生理学的および心理学的な障害をもたらすものとなる。
われわれの見るところ、これら(の障害)は、精神的に、および肉体そのものの電気的諸力の一部を用いることで、対処することができる。 それ故、われわれの見るところ、以下のことが治療法になるだろう。 これらを用いるならば、これらの障害は、自己において、精神において、肉体において、肉体の反応において、矯正されるだろう。
まず、体内に過剰のヨウ素を産生するために、少量のアトミダインを内服することを始める。 5日間、毎朝、朝食前に、グラス半分の水に1滴入れて飲む。
そうしたなら、3日間ほど休止する。 そして、再び5日間ほど服用する。
それと同時に、ウエットセル装置による低電位の波動を利用することを始める。 これによって、アトミダインとの組み合わせで、体内にカリウムの反応を作り出すのである。 それが、この偏向の原因、元となっている分泌腺力に働きかけることになる。 ウエットセルは、アトミダインを内服したのと同じ日に、身体に装着する。 装着の仕方は、放射活性装置と同じやり方にする。 電解液は、この人が受け入れられる限り強くする。つまり、1ガロン半の蒸留水に対して、次のものを加える。
装着プレートは両方とも、ジャーマンシルバー(洋銀)かニッケルの、同じ金属で作る。 一方は右手首に装着し、もう一方は左足首に装着する。 翌日は、同じプレートを、一方は左手首に、もう一方は右足首に装着する。このような仕方で、毎日、装着の仕方を切り替える。 装置の装着時間は、毎日30分とする。
ノーマルな生き方と活動を維持するようにせよ。 自分について――解剖学的にではなく、霊的に――探求することを始めよ。 「マタイの福音書」の第5章から大きな霊的教訓を学ぶことが出来るだろう。 それを暗唱できるほどに学ぶことだ。 そうしたなら、「ヨハネ福音書」の14章と「ローマ人への手紙」の12章を読むことだ。 そして、それらを生きることだ! それを他者との日々の関係において生きること。 これらの言葉は汝に向けて語られた言葉であると心得よ。 これらの探求を、機械的および物質的な治療と共に、自分のために行うことだ。

Mr. Mitsuda, a well-known Edgar Cayce researcher, has been sharing on social networking sites about Edgar Cayce's wonderful readings on LGBT.


We are pleased to share it here.

Here is a quote.


In Christian countries like the West, where LGBT is not religiously tolerated, it is probably a trend for LGBT to be noisily discussed in an attempt to at least have it tolerated in the legal system.
However, in Japan, which has never been a country that religiously excludes LGB people, I feel that going out of one's way to make it a social issue would instead undermine the tolerance that has existed in Japan for a long time. Most Japanese people, even if someone comes out as LGBT, would just say, "Oh, I see," and there would be no immediate sense of discrimination. In a Christian country, the reaction might be "Oh, seriously! and then distance themselves from them.
In addition, the way one feels about LGBT people is largely instinctive and emotional, so it seems impossible to regulate that inner part of the mind from the outside through legislation. If we did, it would be an extremely unnatural system.
 I believe it is more fundamental and essential to promote an understanding of the eternal and immortal spiritual nature of human beings, although I recognize that this will not happen immediately.
If we knew that human souls often switch genders during their long reincarnations in their earthly lives, we would be less conscious of sexual discrimination, and if we knew that if we disparaged a person's sexuality, we would experience it in our own reincarnation, we would have a different attitude toward their sexuality. I am not a woman who has been born in the past.
I, for example, am a woman in my past life, so even now, I sometimes use the word "lady language" in my speech. People sometimes point this out to me, but I rather enjoy myself that way.
And according to Edgar Cayce's spirituality, if you are born as a male, it means that your soul's growth is to cultivate masculinity in your life, and if you are born as a female, if you know that it is inherently required for your soul to cultivate femininity, your sexual orientation will change. will also change the way we strive for it.
Also, many people believe that LGBT sexuality is a deep, intrinsic part of a person that cannot be changed (and that this is why it needs to be protected by law), but the reading's view differs from this.
While it is true that sexual tendencies carried over from past lives are difficult to correct, quite a few people's minds do not match their physical sexuality due to physical distortions. So, by healing the physical and mental distortions, such sexual tendencies can be changed if we make an effort to change them. Once you come to that realization, your attitude toward the LGBT issue will change a lot. (Ultimately, it is the person's freedom of choice.)
The next reading was given to a 42-year-old man who did not tell Casey what his problem was. However, after entering a hypnotic state, Cayce correctly pointed it out and also detailed how to overcome it.
Gertrude: You will now carefully and thoroughly examine this person's body and inform me of the condition you find at this time. You will state the cause of the current condition and give advice that will help the person and bring about a cure. You answer the questions I ask.
Casey: Okay, we have the person [3364] here.
In analyzing this person's disorder, we see here that the pathological condition should be considered, but also the psychological condition. For these are states due to karmic influences, and are therefore related to what one is facing in this life, within one's self.
Now, a complete analysis of the nature of an entity may be a proof (for those who study such matters) of the belief that life is a continuous experience. And so it is with this man, in the situation in which one encounters the self in activities related to psychological (i.e., soul-self) and physiological matters--that is, in the situation in which one encounters the self in relation to the body and to the body-spirit or psychic-spirit body, as seen here. In the situation in which the person encounters the self in relation to the body (i.e., the soul-self) and to physiological matters - that is, in the situation in which the person encounters the self in relation to the body, the body-spirit or psychospirit, as seen in the state here - the person is presented with homosexual disorders that must be confronted as mental and physical states.
These are the conditions that must be addressed.
For when one has such a relationship mentally and physically, it opens the cells of the Leyden glands, and the kundalini flows in and through the body, and it affects the organs of the sensory system. It is not merely that one is disgusted or ashamed of oneself--these become all part of one's body, mind, and being. Therefore, it is not merely a physical or pathological condition, but also a physiological and psychological disorder for this person.
As we see it, these (disorders) can be dealt with mentally and by using some of the electrical forces of the body itself. Therefore, as we see it, the following will be the cure. With these, these disorders will be corrected in the self, in the mind, in the body, and in the body's reactions.
First, begin with a small amount of atomidine taken internally in order to produce excess iodine in the body. Take one drop in half a glass of water every morning before breakfast for five days.
If you do so, stop for 3 days. Then take it again for another 5 days.
Then pause for another 5 days, and repeat the whole process from the beginning again.
At the same time, begin to use the low-potential waves of the wet-cell device. This creates a potassium response in the body in combination with atomidine. This will work on the glandular forces that are the cause and source of this deflection. The wet-cell is worn on the body on the same day that atomidine is taken internally. The method of application should be the same as that of the radiant activator. The electrolyte should be as strong as this person can accept. That is, to a gallon and a half of distilled water, add the following
  Copper sulfate_......2 lbs.
  Sulfuric acid (reagent grade 1)......1 ounces and three quarters
  Drums of zinc......9
  Willow charcoal...... half a pound
Both wearing plates should be made of the same metal, either German silver (nickel) or nickel. One is worn on the right wrist and the other on the left ankle. The next day, the same plate is placed on the left wrist and the other on the right ankle. In this manner, the wearing of the device is switched each day. The device should be worn for 30 minutes each day.

If the second series of atomidyne doses is completed (not before, but after), then the lumbar axis and the lower part of thoracic vertebra 9 should be adjusted with osteopathy.
Then, if you have done two more series of atomidyne doses, get an osteopathic adjustment again.
Do these things. Then you will not be bothered by it.
Try to maintain a normal way of life and activity. Begin to explore yourself - spiritually, not anatomically. You can learn a great spiritual lesson from the fifth chapter of "Matthew's Gospel." Learn it so well that you can recite it by heart. Then read the fourteenth chapter of "John's Gospel" and the twelfth chapter of "Romans. And live them! Live them in your daily relationships with others. Remember that these are words spoken to you. Do these quests for yourself, along with the mechanical and material remedies.
This concludes this reading.
In this man's case, apparently the original cause was a distortion of the spine (lumbar vertebra 4, and thoracic vertebra 9), but from there the effect spread to the endocrine glands and eventually homosexual urges began to manifest.
Therefore, in order to correct the endocrine glands, he recommended oral administration of Atomidine, electrical stimulation with a wet-cell device (electrical device), adjustment of the distorted vertebrae with osteopathy, and careful reading of the Bible. (Incidentally, this is the same wet-cell device I am currently studying at the university.)
It is rare that it takes this much therapy to cure homosexual urges, and easier methods are suggested if you address the discomfort in yourself at an early stage when you are aware of it.
Well, having a special sexual orientation can lead to amazing talents and intellectual abilities, so it is possible to retain it. Ultimately, I think it is up to you to decide.
Since LGBT seems to have been a social issue for some time now, I offered my perspective from the Casey reading.

Citation, end of story.