UFO体験   UFO Experiences.















もう時効だと思うので書くが「絶対に誰にも話さない」と約束したうえで彼は書斎で私にまだ未公開だった「A Course in miracles」の翻訳原稿を見せてくれた。











「出たね。 いつものやつだよ。」





「今、確かに約束したよ。 必ず一緒に来てくれるね?」と念を押された。








「神様、今私は疲れ果てて午後の治療を行うだけのエネルギーが残っていないと感じています。 どうか私を手助けしてください。」と真剣に祈りながら治療ベットに横たわっていた。



















「中はどうなってるんだろう?」 と思った次の瞬間にUFO内部にいる自分に気づいた。

中はガランとしていて誰もいない。 機械的なものも何も見当たらない。






























































ときどきUFOがらみの夢をみるのだが少し前に見た興味深い夢ではUFO は特定のエネルギーを噴出している泉?湧き水?の出る土地の上空に出現するというものがあった。


また今年に入ってからは急に夢の中で宇宙人? 他次元の存在?の複数の人たちからエネルギーヒーリングを立ったままの姿勢で受ける夢を何度も見た。











治療・ヒーリングにおいてその初期のころから私は常々「この宇宙における普遍的な治療・ヒーリングの概念と方法があるはずだ。 私はそれをこの地球で見つけたい、あるいは復活させたい。」と感じている。
















For some reason, I have loved UFOs for as long as I can remember.


My parents had witnessed what they thought was a UFO on their honeymoon on a cruise ship at sea with dozens of other passengers, and when I asked them for a book on UFOs, they said, "Sure, that could be it. When I asked him for a book on UFOs, he said, "That could be it," and bought it for me.


It was a book published by Gakken, I believe, for children, which contained many strange stories and pictures.

I was only interested in the real photos and the stories of the real UFOs.

I was only interested in the real photos and their stories. I was not taught, but I clearly felt that the UFOs in the photos that I judged to be real were "alive.


I remember that when I was 4 or 5 years old, I loved living creatures, especially insects, and I wanted to know the difference between a living insect and a dead one, so I would compare the living and dead bodies of the same insect side by side forever, trying to find the difference.

The conclusion I came to was that there was a clear "sensation" that the living insect had "something lively, like a glow," in addition to its movement.

This difference in "sensation" was so obvious to me at the time that I applied the same criteria to UFO photography.


I did not actually witness a UFO until much later, when I was about 30 years old (as I recall).

I was a close friend of Mr. Hiroshi Ouchi, the translator of Barbara Ma̪rciniak's "Bringers of the dawn" at the time, and I was staying at his house at the foot of Mt.Fuji.

He showed me the unpublished manuscript of "A Course in miracles" in his study after promising not to tell anyone about it.

He told me that he had already finished the translation, but he could not get approval from the headquarters (FIP, which held the copyright).

(After that, Natural Spirit successfully published it as a book (since someone had already published the full translation on the Internet) as the first Japanese translation in Japan.)


We were chatting and drinking tea on a large balcony where a mysterious geometric structure had been installed after being treated to a delicious natural home-cooked meal by his wife, who is also a channeler.

I asked him, "I built this structure according to the channeled message from a cosmic being to create a vibrational field here that would be easy for UFOs to visit. He said.


At the very moment when he pointed out that UFOs always appear right around that mountain ridge, I saw a sharply shining silvery white bar-shaped object in that direction, just as he said. A sharply shining silvery-white bar-shaped or line-shaped UFO-like object suddenly appeared in the same direction. The UFO was stationary for a few seconds, and then it stopped!

The UFO stood still for a few seconds and then suddenly disappeared.


The balcony was enveloped in a strange and sacred silence.

It's the usual one. It's the usual one.

Mr. Ouchi murmured quietly.

The next morning, as we parted, he shook my hand and suddenly said, "I'm going to go to Tibet one day to find Shambhala. I will definitely go. And when I do, I want you to come with me." I was so surprised and joked.

I was surprised at the suddenness of his words, but thought he was joking. I thought he was joking, but his eyes were serious.

But I was surprised to see the seriousness in his eyes.

I promised you that I would come with you, didn't I? You will come with me, won't you? He reminded me.

I understand. I will definitely come with you and protect Mr. Ouchi. I was unintentionally saying to myself, "I will definitely come with you and make sure that Mr. Ouchi is well protected.

He looked relieved and finally released me from his long handshake.

After all, this was the last time I met Mr. Ouchi.

After that, he occasionally sent me channeled messages from cosmic beings (such as the Galactic Council) and his own translations of books, but he passed away in 2013.

I am sure that Mr. Ouchi's Shambhala search was waiting for me when I left my body.


One day some time later, exhausted by the sheer volume of patients I had treated in the morning (around 30, I believe), I felt very unlikely to be able to handle the treatment in the afternoon.

I said, "God, I'm so exhausted that I don't feel I have enough energy left to do the afternoon treatment. Please help me." I lay on the treatment bed praying earnestly.

Soon after, just as I began to doze off, I began to feel a familiar vibration throughout my body along with a metallic "squeak.

It was a sign that I was about to leave my body.

But something was different from usual.

I noticed two short green figures standing near my toes, though I was lying on my back with my eyes closed.


Who are they?"

Suddenly, they each grabbed my ankle on the side close to their own and pulled my contents (astral body?) out of my body by force, so to speak, with a rather strong "gwick"! They pulled my contents (astral body?) out of my body, so to speak, by force!

Wow," he said, "I've been pulled out of my astral body! I've never been pulled out of my astral body before. I had experienced astral projection quite often since I was 10 years old, but this was a surprise to me.


I was pulled out of the bed slightly to the left side, and when the contents were pulled out of the bed, they sank down a few centimeters and then began to float upward, though only for a moment.


I floated on my back through the structure of the ceiling of the first floor of the treatment center and home, and then through the roof and into the sky above, observing and experiencing the internal structure of the attic from the second floor to the roof.


As soon as I had a feeling that there was a UFO, it was still there, several dozen meters above my house.

It was the first UFO I had ever seen up close and personal.

It looked more mechanical than I had expected, a disk of about 15 to 20 meters in length, with some kind of mechanical jaggedness.


Ah," he said! It was Ram-chan's (Rumiko Takahashi's manga heroine) UFO, without the tiger pattern" (laughs).


I wondered what was going on inside. The next moment I found myself inside the UFO.


It was deserted and empty inside. There was nothing mechanical in sight.

What was characteristic was that there were walls, partitions, and what looked like windows, but there were no straight lines at all.

Everything was curved or gently curved, and the only colors were light beige or white.


However, it was strange that there was no one who seemed to be a passenger, despite the painfully intense sensation of being watched by so many people.


That is all I remember.


The next time I awoke was on my bed in the treatment center, and I immediately checked the time on my watch.

About one hour had passed.


What was this experience?

It was a strange experience, but I was clearly aware that it was not a dream.

But I immediately noticed something strange.


It was as if it was a lie that he had been so exhausted and lacking in energy just a few minutes before!

Not only was I energetic, but my whole body was so charged up with energy that I felt as if it was surging out of me.

Naturally, I was able to perform the afternoon treatment without feeling any fatigue, and for the next three days or so, I felt a strange surge of energy and vitality throughout my body to the extent that I hardly felt the need to sleep at all!

Clearly, that experience was working.

Yes, the prayer had indeed been heard and answered, albeit in a rather strange way.


But a strange sensation remained in my brain, not painful by any means, but a feeling of being manipulated, as if something had tampered with my memory, and it did not go away for a while.


I told my family with a laugh that I had been on a UFO today, but they all said, "It's possible for you. They said, "It's possible for you.

My family said, "We have a magician in our house. and "It's great that you can do anything you want. They treated me like a magician, so they were quite understanding.


After that, I went about my daily life as usual, but one day, three months later, I suddenly noticed something.

The two green dwarfs were UFO crew members.

It would have been easy to notice such a thing, but since it took him three months to realize it, it was obvious that his memory had been manipulated.


One day, about 10 years later, I had a strange dream.

It was the exact same dream two nights in a row.


In the dream I was lying on my back on what looked like a surgical bed, surrounded by a dozen or so aliens of some type? I was surrounded by people who seemed to be there.

Among them were two of those little green guys I had missed so much.

The leader of the group was a man, almost human in appearance, tall and wearing what appeared to be a medical white coat and mask.


I was on a bed, and for some reason I could not move, but strangely I felt no fear.

Soon something mechanical was placed beside me, and then dozens of soft mechanical arms that moved freely began to enter my brain all at once!


Dozens of sensor-like things were placed inside my brain, like tubes? arms? The feeling of dozens of sensor-like tubes or arms invading my brain was so unpleasant that I involuntarily groaned.


They slowly entered my brain all at once, did something inside for a while, and then began to exit my brain all at once.

I was relieved and relieved.


When it was all over, everyone there bowed to me in unison, and the leader of the group told me clearly, "There is nothing wrong with you.

There was nothing wrong."

The dream ended there.


I woke up not knowing what was going on, but I had the feeling that I had partially revived memories of events that had once taken place inside the UFO.


The next night, I had another dream that was exactly the same, down to the last detail.

I had never had anything like this before.


However, on the second night, only the last line was slightly different.

The second time, "As I thought, there was nothing unusual." The second time, the line while bowing was changed a little.


When I woke up in the morning, I still had a very strong feeling of discomfort, as if something had invaded my brain both nights, and the feeling lasted for several hours.


After that, I did not have any dreams like that for years.

However, I have dreams almost every day, and most of them are quite mysterious in my case.


Sometimes I dream about UFOs, and in an interesting dream I had a while ago, I saw a UFO as a fountain or a spring that was spewing out a particular kind of energy. A spring? In an interesting dream I had a while ago, a UFO appeared in the sky over a place where a spring or fountain was emanating a certain energy.


Also, since the beginning of this year, I have been suddenly seeing aliens or other dimensional beings in my dreams. Other dimensional beings? I dreamed many times this year that I was receiving energy healings from several people in a standing position.

In one of them, the healing was not directly performed on me, but on a metallic plate like a belt buckle on my abdomen, which may have symbolized my energy.

In both cases, I woke up in the morning feeling very refreshed and with a clear sense that I had received an energetic healing.


In fact, some time ago I had a deep healing in a dream about a UFO and two beings who seemed to be its crew, but in that dream I was still a young child, about kindergarten age.

In the dream, I was still a young kindergarten-aged child, and the content of the dream suggested that I had actually encountered the UFO and its crew at a very deep level when I was that age, and that my memories had been deliberately manipulated.

I was able to re-experience the traumatic memories that had obviously been manipulated with a sense of fear for me at that time, and through deep healing, they released the fear through healing.

This deep sense of healing also brought back to me a very nostalgic feeling for them.

Apparently, my relationship with them has continued since I was quite young.

And I guess it is still going on.


Since my early days in healing, I have always said, "There must be a universal concept and method of healing in the universe, and I want to find it here on earth. I want to find or revive it here on earth." I feel that there must be a universal concept and method of treatment and healing in this universe.


Recently, specific healing techniques, concepts, and ideas have spontaneously emerged in my healing practice and have continued to develop as a base.

In a way, the concepts and knowledge of healing are continuously being inspire and the effect is very high.


The 15th of this month marks the 30th anniversary of the opening of the sanitarium.

I am sure that this kind of connection will continue in the future.



































最近の心境    My current state of mind.








I always continue to fulfill the mission I was given.
because I feel I was born to fulfill it.









Even if I were to die right now, my heart would still be filled with a sense of fulfillment.


by a healer.




今しがた治療・ヒーリングで体験したこと。 What I just experienced in healing.



















































I would like to share with you an interesting experience I just had during my last healing this morning.


A client I treated three days ago (remotely by phone) for a severe throat and deep nasal mucosal inflammation (which has recently become endemic in the world) that had rendered him almost unable to speak.


The cause and remedy were clear, so naturally the client's symptoms improved.

He wanted to get well as soon as possible, so we decided to give him at least three days of treatment.


In the middle of the treatment, we began the central nervous system healing that I wrote about yesterday.

The fertilized egg was re-fertilized in a glowing state by healing the sperm and egg separately.

The fertilized egg itself begins to glow with a silvery white light.

At the same time, I began to feel a strong orange-red hot energy connection from the egg side, the maternal ancestral side, as if it were sunlight itself.

I began to trace the lineage with my consciousness to see if there was still a problem with the ancestor, but I could not find the part of the ancestor in question.

But the more I traced the line, the more intense the energy line became, like the sun.

Finally I came to the root.

All of the energy was emanating from what could only be described as a gigantic star-like sun, with a blazing orange glow and a complex intertwining of bright and slightly tinted surfaces.

The energy was so intense that I, the healer, was almost overwhelmed by it, but at the same time it was so hot that it was not uncomfortable at all, but rather it kept filling me up like life energy itself. It was not uncomfortable at all.

Now an intense heat-like energy is entering me from above and filling me up! The client told us.

That is exactly what I was experiencing in my perception.

My intuition clearly conveyed that the regeneration and renewal of the central nervous system should take place now, while maintaining the supply of energy from the primordial being.

Accordingly, the fertilized egg was processed from cell division, embryo bud formation, brain formation, fetus, and birth to the present time line, while maintaining that supply.

The skull and dura mater are expanded to accommodate the newly regenerated central nervous system, and the musculoskeletal system is readjusted to accommodate them.

I began to expand the 7th chakra, as I had a hunch that it would be better to increase the energy supply to the client from above as in the seated position in the chair.

Clearly, the energy supply to the client began to increase, and every corner of the peripheral nervous system, from the central nervous system to the fingertips to all organs began to be filled with a bright orange-white glow, like sunlight.

The client tells us, "I have this amazing energy that is zinging all over my body, right down to my fingertips! The client tells us.

We continued the process for a while until we felt we had gone far enough.

After that, it was the same process of completion as in my previous post, the only difference being that no shielding with energy from the 7th or higher levels was necessary.


I had a clear realization from the treatment.

I had a clear realization during the treatment that the energy root sun-like being that I was experiencing was the very source of our life.

It was clear that the source of the energy of my treatment and healing, especially the shielding energy in the final stages of treatment, came from the very same source.


This may be what some call the "spiritual sun" or "central sun.

But for me, the name is not important.

I do not want to give it a name because I feel that the name given to it by human beings is only a limitation that other people can add their own meanings to the existence of it.


Rather, I clearly understood that the purpose of my treatment and healing at this point is this process after all.


To help each person regain a clear connection with the source from which life originates.


To support and assist in this process by offering and teaching therapy, healing, and reading sessions using EAP (Extended Apperception) (Extrasensory Perception), which is also the name of this blog.


Of course, it is important to heal and alleviate or eliminate the client's main complaints.

The disappearance of symptoms is a clear indicator of the accuracy of the healing process and the diagnosis made by extrasensory perception.


If a client's symptoms do not clearly change with treatment/healing, then the healer who cannot heal is not actually using healing or extrasensory perception, but rather is merely imitating, i.e., he is not actually working, or is only at a very rudimentary level of functioning, although it appears so. In other words, it is highly likely that the healer is merely an imitator, i.e., it looks like it, but does not actually work, or has only reached a very rudimentary stage.


Unfortunately, in Japan's "so-called healing industry," it seems that most of these methods are no more than a mere relaxation effect, or, if I may venture to say so, an extension of the esthetic treatment level.


As I always say, "It is much more effective to stay at home, listen to your favorite music, burn your favorite aroma, sleep, meditate, and eat delicious food than to pay a lot of money for something that may or may not work.


中枢神経系に対する治療・ヒーリング   Healing of the central nervous system





































そして卵子精子の大きさの比較も実際の縮尺にあるような大きさではなく私の知覚するのは卵子3~4:精子1 くらいの対比でありこれは実際の大きさではなくエネルギー的もしくは肉体的な遺伝的要素は母系が3~4の影響力に対して父系は1ということを意味しているように感じている。



















クライアントにその背景とその後悔の念を伝えると「その言葉その思いはまさに私の脳裏に理由もなくいつもよぎってくる考えです! でもその言葉を聞いた瞬間に脊髄の違和感がしゅっと消えてしまいました。」とのこと。



























There is an interesting trend in  healing these days.

I begin my appointments with a phone call, and an increasing number of clients tell me at the beginning of the session that their symptoms have clearly begun to diminish immediately after the call.

My healing is largely due to the presence of guides who support me in my treatment.

I also feel that my guides have helped me with extrasensory perception, such as tele-clairvoyance (extended perception) during diagnostic procedures.

Thankfully, the guides have already started the treatment and healing when the appointment is made.


I once received a distant healing from a group that was descended from Harry Edward, a great British healer.

As I recall, there was no set fee, and the system was such that you only had to donate your feelings.

One of the precautions was, "When you apply for a healing with us, your healing by the healing guides has already begun. I remember this.


Since the healing is done over the phone, the treatment is done while verbally communicating the diagnosis at a distance.

In most cases, the first step is to start with the shedding effects of this vaccine.

The rather strong influence received within a couple of days is almost evil, the DOR itself, which is a clear black color. This usually does not penetrate very deep into the body, ranging from the physical to at most the second level of the aura.

This is because the direction of the shedding is clearly visible on the aura level, and most of the time, when we tell the person about it, he or she remembers "Oh, that was the time! In most cases, the person remembers it as "Oh, that time!


If the shedding has penetrated deep into the body, it is often a bio- or slightly unpleasant beige or shadowy light black color, often indicating the effects of chronic shedding at home, at work, or at school.

In general, there are a number of indications as to the causative agent of shedding, but my perception is that one particular substance (other than spikes or graphene) is clearly heavily involved.

And this (et al.) is also the causative agent of the recently popular throat and nasal mucosal inflammation.

As my clients who are reading this already know, there are clearly effective healing methods and substances for this, but for various reasons I cannot describe them here.

I will just say that they work dramatically.


Next is the treatment of microcirculatory disorders, mainly (but not exclusively) capillary vessels.

I have written about this in previous articles, so please refer to the past articles for details.


Next, we would have purified the cerebrospinal fluid and started treatment of the musculoskeletal system, including the limbs, spine, and cranium, but since the beginning of this year, it has become clear that the central nervous system, including the cerebrospinal cord, has clearly degenerated from the surface level to a deep internal level, and the symptoms have also become more and more severe. The symptoms also seem to confirm this.

In addition, I have noticed that there are inactive areas in the brain itself, such as hard tissues in certain parts of the brain.


This is also thanks to the ability to make minute diagnoses by telefluoroscopy.

There were various causes, such as trauma, psychological trauma, or traction forces from a more distal location, but I noticed that in some cases there were bundles of inactive fibers in the spinal cord itself, which was clearly an extension of the spinal cord.

I carefully began to approach the entire spinal cord (not the spine), including the brain, with the patient lying on his back, and gradually the entire spinal cord began to change and shorten.

I followed the process with great interest, wondering what was going on in my hands (which, although remote, had a much clearer and more subtle myosensory perception than my actual touch), and suddenly I realized that the client's body was regressing in age.

The client's physical body was beginning to regress in age.

Eventually, we traced the process back to the baby and then further to the mother's uterus, from the fetus to the embryo to the fertilized egg, and then to the father's sperm and the mother's egg before fertilization.

The cause of the inactive portion of the cerebrospinal (central nervous system) was clearly traced to a physical, mental, and energetic past, ultimately to genetic factors from the paternal and maternal sides of the family, and to ancestral issues.

I began to perceive in the fertilized egg that there were clear areas that would later become inactive, and that in most cases these areas had been inherited by the mother's egg from her ancestors.

The father's sperm also had "something in need of healing" in its body, not its tail, that corresponded to that very site, and they both carried the same "something in need of healing" from generation to generation from their paternal ancestors, and they both carried the same "problem" in the very site of the egg, which was a mirror image of the egg in the opposite side of the egg, in the opposite side of the egg. The sperm that reached the egg was fertilized by the egg.

The sperm that reach the egg seem to be attached to a specific spot rather than anywhere else.

The size comparison of the egg and sperm is not as shown in the actual scale, but I perceive it to be about 3-4 eggs to 1 sperm, which I think means that the energetic or physical genetic factor is 3-4 in the maternal line and 1 in the paternal line. This is not the actual size of the sperm, but the energetic or physical genetic factor.

I have tried with various clients to see if I could focus my attention on the "problem that needs to be treated" that each egg and sperm has, which to me is a specific color and a specific shape, and explore its meaning.

Initially in most cases I sensed a nuance that something was veiled and deliberately hidden, or that the time had not yet come for the client or me to perceive it.

This is sometimes the case when treating a client's astral level objects or traumas, which are clearly caused by a particular past life, but which are obscured by a mosaic of veiled obstacles in a particular area.

This often means that it is better for the client (and in some cases me) to not yet know this information for the sake of his or her pre-birth plan (blueprint) or for personal growth. (Sometimes the guide explicitly instructs me not to communicate this information to the client, even if I perceive it.)


In some cases, I cannot easily go back to the time of fertilization when I adjust my awareness to the central nervous system and go back in age.

In such cases, the client is able to perceive events at that age through clairvoyant perception and communicate the content and age to the extent that he or she is able to perceive them.

If it is clear, the age can be traced back further, and if not, the client can be told that he or she is not the same age as the client.


Recently, however, the veil I mentioned earlier has been disturbing me more often than not.

In the case of one female client, there was an unnatural bending sensation near the center of the spinal cord, and she herself complained of the same sensory discomfort.

I thought it would stop somewhere when she moved back in age, but it did not.

It easily went back to the time of fertilization.

But here, at this point, there was a clear "problem" at the very spot where the egg would be located in the future, near the center of the spinal cord.

When I focused my attention there, I began to perceive a man who looked like a farmer and who was probably an ancestor of mine from a long time ago.

The man, who looked like a farmer, was skewered and exposed while still alive, with his body folded in front of him.

As I felt that he was being punished as one of the ringleaders of some revolt-like uprising, the man's regret came strongly to my heart.

He said, "I am in this mess because of what I did. It was my fault. It was a strong feeling of regret.

When I told the client about the background and the regretful thoughts, he said, "Those words and those thoughts are exactly the thoughts that always come to my mind for no reason at all! But the moment I heard those words, the discomfort in my spinal cord disappeared. He said.

My perception of the problematic area that met the egg is no longer a "problem," but now shines silver-white!

This is a special case, but in most cases, once the problematic areas of the egg and sperm are healed and the client feels that the healing is sufficient, the process is completed by the fertilized egg dividing once again, going through the embryo bud and fetus, and then returning to its current age after birth as a baby.


At this point, the client's cerebrospinal cord is flat and gravity-surrenders like a heated rice cake at New Year's, and the tension is released and he is deeply relaxed.

When I tell the client about this state, they all say that it is just like that and very comfortable.

After some time in this state, we moved to the standing position, but at first there was a succession of headaches and grounding failures.

This is because the central nervous system, which is not supposed to regenerate, is being brought back to the state of a fertilized egg, repaired, and healed to regenerate it anew, so the brain and spinal cord must have increased in size, albeit slightly.

Naturally, as soon as the skull, dura mater (especially the occipital bone and temporal bone), and spinal cord were allowed to rise after expanding each of the dura mater that encases the brain and spinal cord, these problems disappeared.

After that, he was able to adjust his limbs to the new (!?!) cerebrospinal cord. I then readjusted the extremities, spine, and skull to match the new cerebrospinal cord. Most of the clients felt as if they had grown taller.

I feel taller!

My perspective is totally different now, it's like I'm looking down from above!

It's as if something is suspending my spine from above, and my posture is so much better!

are typical of the lines that clients say in amazement after this process.

And I respond with my usual line. I reply with the usual line: "Yes, it's true. Even remotely, you can see that it's not just the energy that's changing, but the physical body as well.

After this, I ask him to move his body in various ways and ask him if he feels any discomfort, even if it is only slight. I ask him if he feels any discomfort, even if it is in a place other than the main complaint.

If there is, I will find the cause and quickly correct it, and even if the patient says there is not, I may unilaterally find something wrong with the body and correct it further.

However, there is always a limit to the amount of treatment and healing that the patient can tolerate.

If the stimulation is within that range, it will not be a problem because it will only reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.


The problem is when the stimulus exceeds the permissible amount, the so-called overdose.

This should never be done, as it will damage the body and energy to the extent that it is exceeded.

People often use the excuse that it is a post-treatment turnaround or a meditative reaction, but in my experience, it is often just improper treatment or healing, or it is overdose.

(Incidentally, the 15th of this month marks the 30th anniversary of my practice.

Before opening my practice, I had been treating patients as an assistant and acting director of a clinic during the day while attending night classes at a vocational school for judo therapy license. (I was a high school student when I became a member of ACE (Association for the Study of Christ Consciousness), which was organized by Mr. Yo Hayashi, who was famous for translating books on Cayce at that time.

But I digress.

At the end of the treatment, the client's protective layer is strengthened with energy from the 7th level or higher, the highest level attainable at the time, and the treatment/healing is completed with warding.














自己実現     Self-realization









警察もあてになったり (さすがアメリカ)



















私が20代より繰り返し愛読している「BORN TO WIN」(邦題:自己実現への道 交流分析の理論と応用)の以下の一節は理解に役立つかもしれないので引用しておきたい。











































In Europe and the United States, it seems that these days you may encounter some unusual activities when driving a car.

It is an extremely annoying behavior, but they seem to have their own arguments and motives.

While it is each person's freedom and right to hold any kind of principle or claim, there is also the freedom and right to refuse to be inconvenienced by such activities. 



If you search video sites, you will find quite a few similar videos.

Many people seem to be angry and at a loss when they are blocked by traffic.


Police can also be relied on (as expected in the U.S.).



It could be subtle or...



But I think the correct answer in my opinion is this driver.


Just like the bus driver at the beginning of this article, in essence, you don't have to stop.

There is no need to yell or get angry. And there is no need for violence.

Sometimes you just have to smile and say something like, "That's a lot of work, isn't it?


Life would be the same.


If there is one thing that I feel these activists have in common when I watch their videos, it is their intention and attempt to "play the victim" and "control" the people around them to suit their own agenda, relying on the kindness, sympathy, and guilt of the people around them and the people they are working with.


Especially in Japan, there seem to be many "so-called good guys" (with brackets), and I often see cases in which people have fallen completely under the spell of such people.


I would like to quote the following passage from "Born to Win," which I have read repeatedly since I was in my 20s, as it may be helpful in understanding the situation.



He does not sacrifice his life for the image of what he thinks he "should" be.

Rather, he is dedicated to "being" his real self.

Therefore, he does not waste his energy acting, maintaining a false self, or skillfully dragging others into his game.

The winner is able to realize self without having to humor others, offend or seduce others to do what he wants.


The winner is not afraid to think for himself or to use his knowledge.

He can distinguish between fact and opinion, and he does not pretend to know everything.

He listens to and appreciates the opinions of others, but ultimately comes to his own conclusions.

While he has the ability to admire and respect others, he is never defined, shattered, constrained, or awed by others.

The winner never plays the "helpless person who can do nothing" game or the blame game.

Instead he takes responsibility for his own life.

He does not take a needlessly demeaning attitude toward his opponents.

He is his own boss and he is also well aware of this.

The winner is free and natural in his behavior.

The winner is free and natural in his behavior.

He does not have to react in a pre-determined, inflexible way.

He is able to adapt his thinking to changing circumstances.

The winner is passionate about life.

He enjoys work, play, food, other people, sex, and the natural world.

He enjoys his accomplishments without guilt.

He rejoices in the success of others without envy.

The winner is free to enjoy himself, but he is also free to postpone his enjoyment.

He can discipline his present self to increase future enjoyment.

He is not afraid to pursue what he wants, but he does it in the right way.

He does not seek to gain his security by controlling others.

He does not set himself up for failure."



The Loser spends a lot of time playing make-believe.

He pretends, manipulates people, and perpetuates old roles from infancy.

He invests a lot of energy in maintaining his mask, often putting up a fake appearance.

For the loser who is acting, his performance is often more important than reality.


Those who are losers themselves are not utilizing their intellect properly.

He misuses his intellect by rationalizing and using sophistry.

When they rationalize, they use pretexts to make their actions seem plausible.

Rationalization is the use of multiple arguments to blind his opponent.

As a result, the majority of his potential remains unapparent, unrealized, and unrecognized.

Like the frog prince in the fairy tale, he is bound by his demons to lead a life that was never meant to be."



















最近の治療(ヒーリング)について。         About the recent healing.



















心筋梗塞のサインである背部および頚部左側から僧帽筋にかけてのコリ、張りを伴っているが当該部位の治療中に血流が正常化するにつれその場でこのサインはほぼ全員で消失する。 それで残ったコリや張りは筋骨格系の問題(胸椎や頭蓋骨の歪みなど)であることがほとんどである。 





またより深部の海馬への血液供給が椎骨動脈の血流障害により機能に問題をおこしていて大なり小なり短期記憶障害(この部屋に今、何しに来たんだっけ?みたいな)が見られるがほとんどの人がこれは年齢のせいとしてあまり気にしていないようだ。 この症状は小、中、高校生にも同様にみられるために年齢のせいだけとは考えにくい。



ただし一点だけ。 これら生命維持に必要不可欠な部位の重要なヒーリングステップを踏むことなくオーラやらチャクラとヒーリングをやったつもりになっているのはナンセンスに思う。









Recently, the evolution of my daily healing has accelerated.


Since stopping in-person healing and switching entirely to telephone telehealing

I have experienced a total of more than 2,000 cases of telemedicine.


I believe that the skills required for telemedicine can be summarized into two main categories (assuming that the patient has already acquired the necessary medical knowledge, including medical and energetic anatomy and physiology, and diagnostic and therapeutic techniques that have reached a level that can produce reliable results in face-to-face healing).

The first is remote clairvoyant diagnostic ability.

The second is the ability to physically cause the intended change in the client's physical and energetic body at a distance.


If a client has a complaint or symptom at the physical, mental, or energetic level (or if they did not, they would not spend the time and money to come to a healer in the first place), there is naturally some disharmony that is causing the complaint or symptom.


It is the diagnostic ability to accurately identify the disharmony, and it is the therapeutic and healing ability to actually cause the changes that are needed.


As I think I have mentioned before, almost all of my recent clients have microcirculatory problems due to blood clots.

The most common areas, which vary in degree, are on the right side of the heart (right atrium and right ventricle) and, increasingly, on the backside of the heart.

The color of the backside of the heart, which used to be whitish, indicating a lack of blood flow, has recently become blackish, with a lack of pericardial tension and a slightly wrinkled appearance.

Naturally, the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart itself, especially the medial and circumflex branches, are considerably impaired due to thrombus.

Symptoms are arrhythmia, or sudden palpitations, pain near the heart, and discomfort in that area. Many people feel discomfort in the heartbeat.

The stiffness and tension in the back and from the left side of the neck to the trapezius muscle, which are signs of myocardial infarction, disappear in almost all patients on the spot as blood flow is normalized during the treatment of the area in question. The remaining stiffness and tension is usually a musculoskeletal problem (e.g., distortion of the thoracic spine or skull). 

From there, blood flow problems in the brain, especially in the occipital lobe and the temporal lobe of the left brain, are also present in almost all patients. The symptom is a so-called "brain fog," which is a haze in the head that prevents thinking and makes it difficult to take the necessary action in a daze,

The left temporal lobe contains Wernicke's area and other centers involved in language, so many people have migraine headaches on the left side of their head, and although images come to mind, the proper nouns and names of people do not come to mind.

It is also worrisome that TV announcers, who are supposed to be professionals in speaking, sometimes stutter or choke on their words, which is becoming more and more common.

Blood flow disturbance in the right frontal lobe and headaches in that region are also frequently observed.

In addition, the blood supply to the hippocampus, which is located deeper in the brain, may be impaired due to blood flow disturbance in the vertebral artery, causing short-term memory impairment to a greater or lesser extent (e.g., "What did I just come to this room for?"). ), but most people do not seem to be concerned about it, attributing it to age. Since this symptom is also seen in elementary, middle, and high school students, it is difficult to believe that it is due to age alone.

In addition, blood flow disturbance in the occipital lobe, the center of vision, is also common, and many people have recently experienced a rapid decline in their eyesight. In most cases, presbyopia has progressed so rapidly that spectacles no longer fit, and the visual field has become darker, narrower, or more difficult to focus.

These too can be corrected during or within 5 minutes of treatment of the brain and the blood vessels that supply it with blood, with a clear increase in the brightness and breadth of vision and the vividness of the sense of color.

There are many more symptoms that can be seen in a typical manner, so I will continue to write about them in the next issue.


However, I would like to add one point.

I think it is nonsense if you think you have done aura or chakra healing without taking these important healing steps for sustaining life.

If you tell a person who is suffering from a fire that has spread to his body, "Your shoulders are stiff. Let's loosen them up. and then giving a massage to the person suffering from a fire.

Recognizing the priority of the client's current needs is a minimal function of the accuracy of the healer's extrasensory perception.







10万人以上の不治の患者を治した 「本物の」 ヒーラー  :フランソワ・シュラッターの物語 A "real" healer who has cured over 100,000 incurable patients  : the story of François Schlatter
